Blog | May Day Immigration Protest

May Day Immigration Protest

Today's protest was smaller compared to last years May Day protest. I would say roughly 10,000 people gathered beside City Hall at the end of the day. There were three groups, and photographed each of them, the first while it was gathering at Olympic and Broadway, the second from their rally point in MacArthur park to the intersection of 5th and Broadway where I met up with the Legalize LA group, which seemed to be the largest of the three.

Here are some of the photos from today:

Protestors Crossing the 110


Legalize LA Group

More after the jump....

Chief William Bratton

Cheering Protestor

Boy with Flag

Frutas Vendors

Mounted Officer Taking a Flyer

Student Protestors

F*ck the Pigs!!! F*ck Inequality

Protestors on Broadway

Protestors With American Flags

Click here to see the rest of my May Day 2008 Protest photos.



Post date:

Thursday, May 1st, 2008 at 11:15:24 PM
